Cinque Torri, Belluno

History of Cinque Torri

Cinque Torri (sometimes also called Cinque Torri di Averau; in German: Fünf Türme) is a small mountain complex in the Veneto region of Italy. It has an elevation of 2,361 metres. It is part of the Nuvolau group, in the interior of the Ampezzo Dolomites (eastern Dolomites chain), northwest of San Vito di Cadore and southwest of Cortina d’Ampezzo.

The Cinque Torri, like all the mountain formations in the area, are made up of dolomites, which are a particular pale grey colour. The complex is made up of five rock spires (from which the name derives) and a maximum altitude of 2,361 metres above sea level (Torre Grande).

This area was the theatre of fierce fighting between the Italian and Austro-Hungarian troops during the Great War; it still preserves numerous testimonies of the battles and the war constructions erected by the Italian Royal Army, recently recovered as part of a restructuring and enhancement operation that has created interesting historical itineraries.

Gallery of Cinque Torri

Location of Cinque Torri