Cueva de los verdes, Lanzarote

History of Cueva de los verdes

The Cueva de los Verdes is a volcanic structure located in the municipality of Haría, in the north of the island of Lanzarote, (Canary Islands, Spain). It is part of the volcanic tube originated by the eruption of the La Corona volcano.
The tube was formed approximately 5,000 years ago (an eruption prior to Timanfaya), when very fluid lava flowed down below more compact lava, creating a large elongated cavity.

The tube has a total length of seven kilometres from the Corona Volcano to the coast, extending its route under the sea in the so-called Tunnel of Atlantis for 1500 meters, because the sea level (during the last glaciation) was 80 meters below the current level, being considered the longest lava tunnel in the world. The Jameos del Agua is located in the closest part to the coast of this volcanic tube.

The cave was used by the local population to take refuge from the attacks of Berber corsairs that periodically ravaged the island, and was given the name Cueva de los Verdes (Green Cave) because the Green family owned the land on which the cave is located.

In 1964, lighting was installed inside the cave so that it could be visited. Since then it has formed part of the network of Art, Culture and Tourism Centres belonging to the Cabildo of Lanzarote. Inside the cave there is an auditorium and corners known as the room of the aesthetes, the throat of death or the Moorish door. You can also find staphyllites and the lines that indicate the levels of lava.

The cave also contains the main nucleus of the geodynamic station of Lanzarote.

Gallery of Cueva de los verdes

Location of Cueva de los verdes